Monday, 4 November 2013

Relief India Trust NGO Creating Accountability

Children's rights are violated all over the world and in India particularly. All the while none is brought to book, no-one is held accountable, no-one is concerned and the children are left to their own devices. To be able to make the society a better place, children's rights have to be observed. Relief India Trust in collaboration with other organizations of its kind, institutions and individuals that champion children's rights have joined hands to realize accountability for violation of these rights. The main focus is children of divorce, separation, orphans or born out of wedlock.
Relief India Trust has been able to help in matters pertaining to the Indian family court system and the Indian appeal system as well as prevention of child abduction in India, kidnappings, denial of visitation and access rights, child custody, abandonment and neglect. The court system has been made more effective in handling child right violation cases including sexual abuse, child labor and neglect cases.
The government has been held more accountable in the children's affairs. More laws are being passed that safeguard the child's interests and make the society a safer place for them. The government has also improved its compliance to the child right protocol put forth by the United Nations. The protocol requires the nation to implement the laws put there in and give an annual report on the implementation process. Relief India Trust through its children, rights advocacy programs, has been able to monitor the government concerning these protocols and making sure that they are adhered to.
The Relief India Trust has also made accountable parents who violate their children's rights. It's the right of children to occupy their rightful places in the family, get provision and security. Many parents and guardians have been known to abuse their children sexually, and also involve them in child labor. The organization has been successful in reducing these cases by bringing to trial the perpetrators while sensitizing the community on children's rights. There are more channels put in place for children and other members of the society to come out and report rights violations.
Children spend most of their time in school. This makes the school a place where the rights can be realized and at the same time violated. Violence on children is more rampant in schools by their peers and teachers. Relief India Trust closely monitors schools to make sure that children's rights are not violated. Children must go to school for learning reasons only and any other activity contrary is a violation to their right. Schools have also become a place where children can report cases of abuse and get help as teachers have become more concerned for the plight of children. The teachers have been trained to identify cases of child abuse, make follow up and offer guidance and counseling where needed. It is in these institutions that Relief India Trust has been able to make progress in the championing of children's rights by organizing awareness forums and sensitizing teachers on these rights.
Basic education is the right of every child and Relief India Trust NGO has made sure that every child that has attained school going age is in school. The organization also plays a big role in removing these children from the streets to the schools where they can get an education.

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