Friday, 15 November 2013

Relief India Trust in the Fight Against Malaria

The malaria pandemic occurs in nearly 100 countries and affects 200 million people with 655,000 deaths annually in the world. This pandemic imposes heavy social and economic burden in India and the world over. Relief India Trust NGO is actively involved in the efforts to minimize and finally eradicate malaria.
Malaria is caused by the plasmodia parasite spread by the female anopheles mosquito. The symptoms include high fever, chills, flu like symptoms and anemia. Left untreated malaria is a killer.
In the fight against malaria Relief India Trust has joined hands with other organizations of its kind, the government and relevant institutions to roll out services with an aim to combat the disease.

Vector control

Vector control is the eradication of disease causing organisms from the environment. Relief India Trust NGO has been in the forefront in the application of vector control methods. The organization distributes treated long lasting bed nets to hospitals, dispensaries, schools and also for pregnant women. These play a big role in reducing mosquito bites. Volunteer workers affiliated to Relief India trust also help with indoor and outdoor spraying with safe insecticides. Spatial repellants and sugar baited traps are also procured and distributed by the trust. This ensures fewer mosquito bites to individuals thus reducing infection. In vector control, it is important to curd the reproduction of the pathogen spreading organisms. Through identification of the breeding ground and the modes of reproduction, female anopheles mosquitoes have been depopulated effectively. This is done by proper waste and dumpsite management and proper drainage in the populated areas.

Diagnosis and proper treatment

Relief India Trust PAN is actively involved in reaching out to the less fortunate that cannot afford medical care. It is during such camps that patients are tested for malaria and effective treatment given. Timely diagnosis and treatment using effective antimalarial drugs reduces deaths. The patients are monitored by social workers to ensure the medication is taken and that it is effective. Pregnant women are checked and given nets to make sure they are protected and thus safeguarding the unborn babies.


Relief India Trust has put an enormous amount of its resources to the research on malaria. The research is done in conjunction with health institutions, local universities, and centers for disease control, the Indian government and the world health organization. This is in a bid to develop new and effective drugs, new preventive measures and also to try and come up with a malaria vaccine that will be a big win for this fight. Medical experts work around the clock in monitoring the disease. They also monitor how effective the drugs work and if the disease develops resistance to these drugs. Testing of the newly developed types and vaccines is also carried out and results monitored.


Most of the children who survive malaria suffer long-term mental disability as some strains of the disease like meningitis affect the brain. The disease is cured but the children are left with the scars. It is at this point that the rehabilitation centers run by Relief India Trust step in to address the problem. The centers offer psychological treatment to the children, training them in a bid to make them regain control of their lives. This has been successful as most of the patients are stabilized through proper therapy and treatment.

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