Community based organizations are essentially nonprofit making
organizations that operate within the grass root level in the local
community. They are also subsets of larger nonprofit making
organizations like Relief India Trust NGO.
These are bottom up organizations and are more effective in
addressing the needs of the community than the larger charitable
organizations. They fall into different categories, including but not
limited to; educational; personal help and improvement; social welfare;
health; community service and action.
Relief India Trust in its awareness of the important roles played by
these organizations, has come all out to partner and work with them to
bring about the much needed change in the community. The trust has over
the time used these communities based organization as its point of
contact and mouthpiece in the community thus ensuring contact with the
most remote localities to which these organizations are able to reach.
It is also through these organizations that the trust is informed of the
real challenges on the ground. With this knowledge Relief India Trust
is able to adopt the best strategy for carrying out its operations.
There are a number of ways that Relief India trust has helped these
organizations become stable and effective in their diverse causes.
The monetary issue.
It is important to acknowledge the fact that funding is what keeps
these organizations up and running. These organizations rely on
individual fund raising to get money. Community fundraisers therefore
take a people-focused approach to fundraising. Relationship building is a
key part of the people-focused approach to make sure people identify
with what they are being called upon to do. Relief India trust helps to
communicate the important roles played by the organization in the
community. This is done through open days, street processions and other
such forums.
Non monetary support.
Relief India Trust is also keen to help these organizations carry out
effective operations and therefore has to engage in its running. Though
the structures may be somehow different, the trust helps to ensure
effective and proper management. Some of these community based
organizations have formally incorporated constitutions and boards of
director called committees while others are much smaller and more
informal. Whichever the case, these are closely monitored, the personal
is given training and supplied with necessities that will see smoother
running of their operations. Relief India Trust has over the time
organized seminars for stakeholders to learn more about how best to
approach the issues they are addressing.
To be able to ensure more people are reached by the community based organizations, there is a need to form more of them in line with the
special needs of particular societies and the unique challenges they
face. People are called to forums and informed of how they can come
together to address the issues that affect them and this sees the birth
of more organizations. The organizations are a sure and sustainable way
in this cause as the community is directly involved in the action or
operation and whenever monetary and non monetary help is needed. The
community is also aware of what affects them and thereby are the best to
help alienate the ills that they face.
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