In the world over, the family is the basic and fundamental
institution where life is nurtured, virtues imparted and the society
grows and is as it is because of the family. It is by creating a family
environment in every scenario possible and at any opportunity that Relief India Trust is able to reach out to the millions of children who
need identity and belonging. These children are from abusive families,
others broken due to a myriad of reasons, others were abandoned at birth
and the real source of their despair and hopelessness is lack of
parental care.
Every month it is a norm for the Relief India Trust family to come
together and bring warmth to the children under its care. Birthday
celebrations are in order for the children whose birthdays fall in those
respective months. At every such celebration it is evident of the joy
and happiness brought to these innocent lives that find themselves in
these circumstances of sorrow and loneliness. All the cares are
forgotten and the true faces of the little angels are made plain to see.
This is an inspiration for the organization to make more of these
A family inculcates religious values to its members. As a family that
pray together stay together, the organization in putting these children
in a family setting enables spiritual growth. This is the only way that
hearts can be healed and lives changed, as out of the heart are the
issues of life. In spiritual stability also mental stability is realized
and life is given meaning. From this, an all round individual is
brought to the society.
Mutual respect and the importance of the value in the next person is
an important ingredient for a strong society. Once a child is raised in a
family setting, they are able to appreciate one another, appreciating
the others strength and being there in their weaknesses.
It helps to have unity and one accord in facing the challenges in
life. This a core value Relief India Trust aims to see cultivated in the
children that come through the organizations caring and loving hands.
A person given to charity must first start at home. This would be at
loss to those children who are homeless in the streets. In giving them a
roof and warm food, they realize that suffering is not the norm in
life. In knowing this they would also aspire to end the suffering in
others they may encounter in later life. Thus the flame of charity is
lit through the family that is this organization. Responsibility is a
practical virtue that can only be learned by doing. Many other virtues
are thus learned. In imparting these virtues the children grow to be
better entities of the society.
Relief India Trust also plays a part in the prevention of family
integration. Poverty, disease, drug abuse and disability are some of the
reasons that families break down. By giving people a chance at life
through job provision, giving medical care and rehabilitation the
organization is at the forefront in making sure families do not break.