Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Objectives of Relief India Trust

Relief India trust came into existence with a clear aim and has successfully achieved its objectives of serving people with its ultimate services. As we talk about the objectives of a welfare organization it must be noted that the first thing which holds significant importance is that the trust should work without considering self interest and shall solely work fur the well being of humanity by eradicating the major social problems with which our society is mostly suffering with. These social issues put drastic effects on the living style of people and affect the diversity and humanity. Such problems must be eradicated.
Relief India
Trust help and assist to eliminate the anguish and agony that is the after effect of riots, floods, earthquakes, cyclones, famines, wars fires. We help to make the society strong and to tone down the sufferings of victimized people and other tragedies. And for this we give those financial help and support to make them live a normal lifestyle. With this article we give you a brief of what actually are we meant for, our objectives, aims and missions that we target through this trust

Aims of Relief India Trust
We are well aware of our objectives and with intense hard work; we have been successfully achieving the goals of serving people to the fullest Across India we provide our widely ranging services to the deprived people. This not only increases the living standards hut also helps to eradicate multiple social crimes that are horn when people does not get their requirements fulfilled.
The major objective of the Relief India Trust is to ensure the relief of needy people by taking necessary actions for carrying the rehabilitation after the natural catastrophes and disasters. These measures help the victims of such tragedies to live a standard life even after lacing the calamities. The proficient social service providers at Relief India Trust give you the guarantee of lessening the problems of sufferers.
As we look around, it is a mere fact that many of the crimes are initiated by the slums and other poor people who do not have any other choice than committing the crimes to be out from the deprived lives. We aim at alleviating such situations and give assistance to such dejected and depressed people.

Role of Relief India Trust in the Society
Our role
in the society is quite visible, our selfless services help the needy people. We play a vital role in giving necessary information to the people about the fatal diseases like cancer, HIV, AIDS which is most common and is spreading mostly because of lack of awareness among people. We target at eradicating the spread of such diseases by arranging camps in several parts of the country.
We educate the slums. street children and poor people by giving them free education at the schoo
ls formed by our organization and distributing free hooks of all levels among them.
We target to remove the miseries of victimized people by giving them food, medicine and other basic facilities that are required to live an esteemed life.

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