Monday, 30 September 2013

How to Become a Volunteer of Relief India Trust?

If you are interested in joining the Relief India Trust and become their volunteer, then this article should be right for you. Just read on and gather some of the most important information on how you can successfully be a part of this growing community.
The Relief India Trust has been established in the year 1992, and is operated by more than 50 people. This is a non-profit organization, so it means that their funds only came from the public and there are donations that may also come from different countries as well.
Getting in touch with the coordinators of the organization is the first thing that you should do to become a volunteer. You may be asked for your expertise as they will use this in several ways like checking in where they can assign you. If you want to get in touch with them, you are allowed to send them an email or probably call them through their telephone numbers.
Just like joining a new job, there are orientations that are conducted for the new volunteers. This is done at regular intervals. During the orientation, you get ideas on what services they offer at the Trust and you have an overview of what they are all about. With one volunteer, you can see that there are plenty of children who can be helped at one time. You will see and realize that you can bring a good difference in other people’s lives permanently because of the small things that you do every single day to them. Whether it is a physical or emotional change, this is a big thing for the children. Trust will let you realize that in time.
If you become a volunteer of this organization, you become one of the poor children’s voices. It means that for instance, you see that they lack education because there are no enough teachers available. Then it is your voice that would lead authorities or even government officials to send more teachers to accommodate the needs of the children in terms of education. You will see that by just this single deed, you are able to bring a huge impact on the lives of the poor children. They will get higher education that is more on quality because of your help, and that is a noble act. Changes may take some more time, but when you see and feel it, you will realize how big was the help you did for the children.
The Relief India Trust is operated by not just one person but a group of individuals who are committed to sharing their knowledge and skills to those who are needy. They go by groups when there are campaigns and you can never see them without a helping hand. They make sure that they hold hands together in order to achieve what there is to achieve. People’s lives are permanently changed because of the good deeds that they did to them. This can never be exchanged with money in any way.

Relief India Trust- Offering Free education to the Needy in India

If you think education is expensive, try ignorance. The social stigma that many people suffer from being considered illiterate is much worse than anything you can imagine. Think of the good jobs people secure just because they are professionally fitted because of their education. It is thus a calling for everybody to invest in education if only you want to see the light of the day dawn on the poor people in the society. The sole purpose and aim of the Relief India Trust is to improve the quality of life for every individual in the world. It just happens that education can be used as a stepping stone in promoting better living.
Access to basic education is the right of any child across the globe but some individual families fail to manage the burden of family demands forcing their children to drop out of school to join their elder members in supporting the family. Because of this misfortune, such children end up working under very poor conditions where they are exploited and paid an insignificant amount.
India has made education for children between the ages of 6 and 14 mandatory regardless of origin or nationality. It is the duty of Relief India Trust to ensure that this directive is followed in the later and any individual who tries to do contrary will be held responsible for that mistake. There are many children who do not access education even after this lawful directive due to a number of reasons. As an NGO, Relief India Trust also plays a great role in ensuring that the children located deep in the villages, all get the education as enshrined in the law. It is important that all children gain access to free education at the tender age of between 6 and 14 because this is the age when they are most receptive to ideas and concepts.
The Relief India Trust has its main aim focused on boosting the welfare of mankind and thus improving their well being. In provision of free education by the Indian state, several challenges and disparities are bound. The government still has to fight with issues of forced labor and improving the standard of living for families. It may be hard to solely let the entire task lie on the government’s budget. As NGOs, the role of ensuring that all children benefit from this scheme is critical. Education of any country defines the future of the present generation and thus the need to greatly invest in this area.
Boosting literacy levels of any country is quite critical in solving a number of related problems such as governance, poor living standards and poverty in general. Raining people on how to fish is literally what the Relief India Trust is doing rather than catching fish for them. There are other societal demands that are met by NGOs to deserve credit such as response to natural calamities and disasters such as floods. In such scenarios, the NGO comes in handy to help the affected communities getting them back to their normal life.
It takes a lot to build a society without governance problems, negligence from basic human rights among others. It all starts with ensuring sufficient education in the society.

Saturday, 28 September 2013

How Volunteers Can Participate In Relief India Trust Relief Programs

If there is a volunteer interested in offering services at Relief India Trust then all that is needed is to get in touch with the Volunteer Actions Coordinators based within the city or the nearest city. Volunteers will need to share their areas of interest and details of contact with the Coordinators. People interested can either send in an email or call up the Relief India Trust.
Orientation meetings are held for volunteers at regular intervals. During the meetings, interested volunteers get an idea on the kind of services offered at Relief India Trust. A volunteer can help bring about a permanent change in children’s lives, address the main cause behind violation of children’s rights, and also make the state accountable towards rights of children whenever needed. Those interested in bringing about a difference in the lives of underprivileged, physically and mentally challenged children can certainly participate as volunteer at Relief India Trust.
Every voice counts while campaigning to make a difference to children’s lives. Governments can be influenced and for building opinion of the public campaigning can be done in the most powerful way. Every person could do his or her bit by identifying children who do not attend school due to lack of teachers. Volunteers can voice their demand for new teacher recruitments even if it means contacting authorities within the government.
The entire system can be brought to task for impacting lives of children in a positive way. Efforts put in by volunteers will enable the underprivileged children get higher quality education. A good deed to society on the whole is done by touching the lives of needy children. Changes brought about are positive and permanent, even if it takes some time.
It is not the effort of just one single person that counts at Relief India Trust. It is a group effort in volunteer campaigns. It is not possible for anyone to do anything in isolation. Under a number of schemes within a common umbrella all the campaigns of Relief India Trust merge in totality. The volunteer services that can be offered are very flexible in nature. For those interested in working with the Trust, there are actually no fixed working hours. With feasibility of time, services can be rendered accordingly.

Main Activities of Relief India Trust

Relief Trust India, as the name suggests has been able to successfully provide relief, financial aid and protection to many of the underprivileged people and children in India. The main activities of Relief India Trust are encouraging the community to participate, while educating the community and in the process promoting and protecting social and environment capital. It is by facilitating life quality in a better way via mobilizing the community in all its realms that the trust is able to achieve its main objective. It also aims at participatory governance based on sustainable management of natural resources.
The trust pays attention to major areas and emphasis is laid on environment protection and children. Intervention, action and research of the trust helps in providing space for engagement and participation of stakeholders, in first conducting an analysis and then accordingly making a change in the conditions. This is accomplished by identifying a milieu of individuals with whom the Trust works. Depending upon the level of learning of the students and their age, material for providing guidance in different areas has been prepared by Relief India Trust.
Besides this text material has also been prepared for communities that are marginalized. Building capacities of Village Education Committees or VEC, groups offering self-help and CBOs that protect the rights of children, improving literacy rate amongst girls in the adolescent group and motivating youth in the rural regions to participate in all programs related to literacy are some of the main activities of Relief India Trust.
Besides these activities Relief Trust India participates strongly in movements, network strengthening as well as campaigns to promote rights of women and children, educating children and women, management of natural resources within the community and participatory governance.

Friday, 27 September 2013

Giving Hope through the Relief India Trust

For kids who are living in poorness in India, hope means a very important thing. They have different ambitions in life, and those are not the usual ambitions that other kids do wish. They do not pray for being able to go to school until college. What they pray and hope for is to get enough food to eat every single day in order for them to survive. Despite all these things that have happened to them, they did not lose hope in battling with poverty.
The Relief India Trust is one of the organizations that gave them all the hope that they should have within. There are a lot of things that other people can do in order to help those who are in need. Sometimes, they may feel really hopeless and that is just normal. They would ask themselves why they have to undergo such poorness and why all these things happened to them and not to other people they see. Will there still be tomorrow?
The Relief India Trust is there for those Indian kids who are so helpless. The help they give may be so practical for others but if you sum it all up, you will see and realize that not everyone can formulate a team or a group like this. They established themselves to make sure that there is someone to help those who are in need and to save every person’s life from depression.
Relief India Trust is a non-profit organization. This only means that they work without salaries and benefits. They work only to see that they are useful to the entire Indian community. They are there because they understand how it feels to be hopeless. Have you ever felt that way too? Then now is the moment that you have been waiting for. Step up and give hope to the poor. You may choose to give time to them or donate cash to the Relief India Trust. There are still a lot of things that you can do for them. Small things are also appreciated by them.
Let us not waste our money for something that we do not really need. There are some kids out there who are unfortunate enough. They even do not know if they can eat a complete meal in a day because they do not have any income at all. That is why the group makes sure that they are taken care of especially with their basic needs like food, water and clothing. Medical assistance and educational funds are also raised by them. There are some programs that are operated just to make sure that these people who need it will not be left unnoticed. They hear their thoughts and they are their voice. There may be times when they need help from the government, and that is because they cannot pursue with their nobility without enough funds. Sometimes they would gather together to have a fund-raising activity just to make sure that there is something that they can offer for tomorrow for all the kids.

Monday, 2 September 2013

Relief India Trust videos

Relief Rehabilitation Center 


Noida News Coverage


Blood Donation @ Relief India Trust

 Children Day @ Relief India Trust 


Releif India Trust

  Relief India Trust - Company Profile


Media Coverage @ Relief India Trust 

 Eye Camp @ Nazafgarh

Sarv Shiksha Abhiyan